If you are vulnerable, at risk of homelessness and need support, contact us. We don’t send out application forms so if you are interested call up and we will invite you to our office where you can meet our staff and see the flats on offer!
As supported housing we will not only give you a place to live on your own, but will also help you talk to the council, plan your bills and get ready for independence. You can get in touch with us on the phone at:
0116 254 5429
Or send us an email to: [email protected]
If you are with an agency or have a support worker let them know you are interested and have them contact us on your behalf, if not or if you would rather, please contact us directly.

Call us on 0116 254 5429

The first step in all of our applications is an informal interview
This will just be a chance for us to take down your details and for you to ask questions and see if this is the right place for you.
These interviews usually last an hour so feel free to bring a friend! Though we may have to leave during more sensitive topics.
We will then fill out an application form with you and go through a quick risk assessment to make sure our staff can provide the support you need.
After the interview we will give you a call and send a letter confirming if you have been accepted.
If you are successful, then a flat is yours! We will hand over the keys and you can move in at your leisure!
Most people are not successful simply because we don’t have enough free flats.
We will keep your details for three months and will try and contact you when a space opens up but our flats are given based on vulnerability so this doesn’t guarantee you a flat if one opens up.